The Hygiene of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Note: Read this arabic text ﷺ as Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam (May Allah’s Peace and blessings be upon him) Before Islam the Arabs were not modest nor were they concerned about hygiene. A man would stand and urinate in full view of passersby and think nothing of it. But then Allah sent a caring ProphetContinue reading “The Hygiene of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ”

The Honor of Having a Prayer Granted

The elderly man talking to me on the telephone from a far-off place had asked me for the quotation of a book several times. As many as 50,000 copies of the book were to be printed. My responsibility was to go through it to check the authenticity of its contents. I had skimmed over itContinue reading “The Honor of Having a Prayer Granted”

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