Love and Respect: A Beautiful Lesson Learned

In the sacred teachings of Islam, love and respect are not only essential virtues but also acts of worship that strengthen the bonds of family and community. Allow me to share a heartfelt narrative that beautifully encapsulates the essence of these teachings, imparted to me by a revered teacher. It was an evening like anyContinue reading “Love and Respect: A Beautiful Lesson Learned”

The Dawn of Islamic Coins: A Tale of Abdul Malik bin Marwan

Once upon a time, in the lands where the sun kissed the sands of Arabia and the winds whispered tales of ancient civilizations, there ruled a wise and visionary leader named Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Among his many achievements, one stood out as a beacon of innovation – the introduction of Islamic coins. In thoseContinue reading “The Dawn of Islamic Coins: A Tale of Abdul Malik bin Marwan”

A General’s Wisdom: Lessons from Muhallab’s Deathbed

In the ancient city of Merv, a man named Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra once walked the streets, his valour and loyalty renowned among all who knew him. But life took a tragic turn when he received news of his beloved son Mughira’s untimely death. The shock of the loss weighed heavily upon him, and beforeContinue reading “A General’s Wisdom: Lessons from Muhallab’s Deathbed”

The Compassion of the Prophet: A Tale of Abu Talib’s Sons

In the heart of Arabia, where the desert winds whispered secrets and the sun painted golden hues across the dunes, lived a man revered by all. His name was Muhammad—the chosen one, the seal of the prophets. His wisdom, honesty, and trustworthiness were spoken of in every tent, carried by the winds from oasis to oasis.Continue reading “The Compassion of the Prophet: A Tale of Abu Talib’s Sons”

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

Islam is a religion that teaches its followers to be patient in the face of hardship and to trust in the justice of Allah. One of the early Muslims who exemplified this virtue was Khabbab ibn al-Aratt, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Khabbab was a slaveContinue reading “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap”

A Tale of Generosity in Times Gone By

In the days of old, there lived a man named Abu ‘Amr Ibn Najid, whose heart was filled with kindness and compassion. He bore witness to an act of humility and need, one that would leave a lasting impression on his own life. It was during a gathering in the mosque when Abu ‘Uthman Al-Maghribi,Continue reading “A Tale of Generosity in Times Gone By”

A Divine Encounter in the Wilderness: A Tale of Guidance and Benevolence

Once upon a time, there was a man who was walking through the wilderness when he heard a voice from the clouds. The voice said, “Irrigate the garden of so-and-so.” The man was surprised. He didn’t know anyone named so-and-so. But he followed the sound of the water and soon found a garden. There, heContinue reading “A Divine Encounter in the Wilderness: A Tale of Guidance and Benevolence”

We deal with hearts, not bodies.

People’s moods and circumstances fluctuate between sadness and happiness, health and illness, affluence and poverty, and stability and instability. Subsequently, their reaction to the way they are dealt with also changes depending on their psychological state at the time. A person may appreciate a joke when he is stable and relaxed, but not when heContinue reading “We deal with hearts, not bodies.”

He was seeking the Pleasure of Allah

Introduction:In the annals of Islamic history, there are countless tales of brave individuals who stood up for justice and upheld the principles of their faith. One such remarkable figure is Sa’eed bin Ibrahim bin ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Auf, a pious and courageous scholar of his time. His unwavering commitment to righteousness is exemplified in an incidentContinue reading “He was seeking the Pleasure of Allah”

Enjoy the skills

The skills we possess can bring us physical pleasure. I do not mean the pleasure of the afterlife, but the pleasure we feel in this world. So enjoy these skills and practice them with everyone, regardless of their age, wealth, or social status. Use these skills to protect yourself from harm, to earn their love,Continue reading “Enjoy the skills”

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