Divine Preordainment

Her husband’s death came as a great shock for her, yet she moved on with life, toiling long hours for the son her husband left behind. Not wanting to introduce a strange man into her son’s life, she refused many marriage proposals, thus remaining the boy’s mother, father, and friend, all in one. Every dayContinue reading “Divine Preordainment”

Rust is Removed

I was born into a family that did not distinguish between lawful and unlawful means of living. The wine was placed on our table with other drinks; we had no qualms about business transactions involving interest, and we never bothered going to the mosque. There was a grand mosque in our neighborhood where Shaykh IbrahimContinue reading “Rust is Removed”

A Mother Accepts Allah’s Will

This incident was taken from the lecture of the head of the Department of Cardiology at a major hospital in Saudi Arabia: “It was Tuesday when I carried out the operation on the child. The next day, his health was a bit better and he was playing. At 11.15 am on Thursday, the nurse cameContinue reading “A Mother Accepts Allah’s Will”

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