A Mother Accepts Allah’s Will

This incident was taken from the lecture of the head of the Department of Cardiology at a major hospital in Saudi Arabia: “It was Tuesday when I carried out the operation on the child. The next day, his health was a bit better and he was playing. At 11.15 am on Thursday, the nurse cameContinue reading “A Mother Accepts Allah’s Will”

Nothing is Difficult for Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)

The middle-aged man had been lying unconscious for months under a white sheet in the intensive care unit of the hospital, oblivious to his surroundings, with medical equipment and feeding tubes attached to his body. A computer was constantly noting his heartbeat and recording his other vital signs. Doctors in white coats examined the patientContinue reading “Nothing is Difficult for Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala)”

Her Last Prayer was also Granted

Dr. Ahmad was a renowned and sought-after physician in his country. People had to wait for many days before they could get an appointment with him. The eminent doctor was once invited to an international medical conference which was to be held in a major city in his country. He had to deliver a paperContinue reading “Her Last Prayer was also Granted”

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