The Prophet (ﷺ‎) is the Master of Creation and the Leader of Messengers

He who wishes to realize the reality (haqiqah) of being pleased (Rida) with Allah’s actions, and to know from where this pleasure comes, should contemplate the affairs of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ‎). When the Messenger’s knowledge (ma’rifa) of Allah became perfect, he realized that the Creator (al-Khaliq) is the Owner (al-Malik) and that the Owner hasContinue reading “The Prophet (ﷺ‎) is the Master of Creation and the Leader of Messengers”

The Final Command of the Ruler Muhammad Al-Fateh to His Son

Muhammad Al-Fateh, a Muslim ruler during the Ottoman Empire, was known for his knowledge, bravery, justice, piety and humility. He was able to conquer Constantinople when many before him had failed. And at that time he was only 23 years old. At the end Of his life, he advised his son, saying: “Here I amContinue reading “The Final Command of the Ruler Muhammad Al-Fateh to His Son”

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