[A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)]—- Part 3 Continuation from Part 2 — To read Part 1 Click on this link To read Part 2 Click on this link People beheld him, but few believed in him. Despite their number, he found in them comfort and company. But the Quraish decided that eachContinue reading “THE LIGHT THEY FOLLOWED”

The Importance of Prayer on the Battlefield

At one stage during the siege of Kabul by the Muslims, when it was time for Dhuhr, the commander of the Muslims, Qutayba bin Muslim, performed the prayer and knelt in supplication before Allah Almighty, saying: “O Allah! Grant us (this) conquest and Your help, because conquests and help are invariably from you.” There wereContinue reading “The Importance of Prayer on the Battlefield”

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