The Six Mannerisms for Perfecting the Goodness of a Woman

Ahmad ibn Harb (rahimahullah) was a respected scholar and his statement highlights six important characteristics that, when present in a woman, contribute to her goodness. These characteristics are often associated with the ideals of a pious Muslim woman. Here are the six characteristics mentioned: These characteristics reflect the values and virtues emphasized by the Salaf,Continue reading “The Six Mannerisms for Perfecting the Goodness of a Woman”

Regarding the pleasures of Jannah

Some people feel awkward regarding the descriptions of Jannah in the Quran and all of its pleasures of eating, drinking and companionship; and of course criticism and mockery of such concepts is the hallmark of vocal Islamophobes and ex-Muslims (murtads). As is typical, there is really nothing to be embarrassed about.As is typical, there isContinue reading “Regarding the pleasures of Jannah”

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