Love and Respect: A Beautiful Lesson Learned

In the sacred teachings of Islam, love and respect are not only essential virtues but also acts of worship that strengthen the bonds of family and community. Allow me to share a heartfelt narrative that beautifully encapsulates the essence of these teachings, imparted to me by a revered teacher. It was an evening like anyContinue reading “Love and Respect: A Beautiful Lesson Learned”


[A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)]—- Part 3 Continuation from Part 2 — To read Part 1 Click on this link To read Part 2 Click on this link People beheld him, but few believed in him. Despite their number, he found in them comfort and company. But the Quraish decided that eachContinue reading “THE LIGHT THEY FOLLOWED”

The Hygiene of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Note: Read this arabic text ﷺ as Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam (May Allah’s Peace and blessings be upon him) Before Islam the Arabs were not modest nor were they concerned about hygiene. A man would stand and urinate in full view of passersby and think nothing of it. But then Allah sent a caring ProphetContinue reading “The Hygiene of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ”

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