Enjoy the skills

The skills we possess can bring us physical pleasure. I do not mean the pleasure of the afterlife, but the pleasure we feel in this world. So enjoy these skills and practice them with everyone, regardless of their age, wealth, or social status. Use these skills to protect yourself from harm, to earn their love,Continue reading “Enjoy the skills”

The keys to hearts

Every door has a key. The key to open people’s hearts is to know their personalities, solve their problems, reconcile between them, benefit from their good and keep safe from their evil. One will become an expert in all these skills if he knows their personalities. Suppose an argument took place between a father andContinue reading “The keys to hearts”

Improve yourself

You sit with someone who is twenty years old and notice that he has particular etiquettes, logic and thought. You then sit with him when he is thirty to discover that he is exactly the way he was ten years ago and has not improved at all. Yet, you sit with others and you feelContinue reading “Improve yourself”

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