[A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)]—- Part 3 Continuation from Part 2 — To read Part 1 Click on this link To read Part 2 Click on this link People beheld him, but few believed in him. Despite their number, he found in them comfort and company. But the Quraish decided that eachContinue reading “THE LIGHT THEY FOLLOWED”

The Prophet (ﷺ‎) is the Master of Creation and the Leader of Messengers

He who wishes to realize the reality (haqiqah) of being pleased (Rida) with Allah’s actions, and to know from where this pleasure comes, should contemplate the affairs of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ‎). When the Messenger’s knowledge (ma’rifa) of Allah became perfect, he realized that the Creator (al-Khaliq) is the Owner (al-Malik) and that the Owner hasContinue reading “The Prophet (ﷺ‎) is the Master of Creation and the Leader of Messengers”

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