Strike Him as He struck You

Abdur Rahman bi Al Hakam (the brother of Marwan bin Al Hakam) struck a freed slave from the inhabitant of Al Madinah, whose name was Hannat. At that time, Marwan bin Al-Hakam governor of Al Madinah Hannat complained to Marwan about his brother ‘Abdur Rahman’. The governor gathered both his brother and the freed slaveContinue reading “Strike Him as He struck You”

Failure? No! Just Temporary Setbacks

If you could come to my office in California to visit with me today, you would notice across one side of the room a beautiful old-fashioned Spanish tile and mahogany soda fountain with nine leather-covered stools (the kind they used to have in the old drug stores). Unusual? Yes. But if those stools could speak,Continue reading “Failure? No! Just Temporary Setbacks”

The Messenger Prays for Abdullah bin Abbas

He was the paternal cousin of Allah’s Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) and was born three years before the Muslims and allies of the Messenger were boycotted and forced to live in the Shi’b Abi Talib area in Makkah. His mother Lubabah bint Al-Harith was the second woman who embraced IslamContinue reading “The Messenger Prays for Abdullah bin Abbas”

Rust is Removed

I was born into a family that did not distinguish between lawful and unlawful means of living. The wine was placed on our table with other drinks; we had no qualms about business transactions involving interest, and we never bothered going to the mosque. There was a grand mosque in our neighborhood where Shaykh IbrahimContinue reading “Rust is Removed”

How Allah Almighty Responds

In Al-Buraydah, Saudi Arabia, in 1361 AH, Abdullah bin Samhan and his son Ibrahim, who was about 15 years old, were traveling by camel with a group of people during extremely hot weather. To cope with the intense heat, they had to drink constantly. They had a long way to go and their water wasContinue reading “How Allah Almighty Responds”

The unknowns

Life has become unbearably competitive, one mistake, and you lose your job. You might have saved your company from catastrophes, brought projects from brink of failures, but nobody will acknowledge that because there is no metric to measure the unknowns. There is no way to gauge what you successfully prevented from happening, but whatever youContinue reading “The unknowns”

Hajira and Hajj

When Hazrat Ibraheem ع left Hajira and newborn Hazrat Ismaeel ع in the midst of the desert, there was no logic or wisdom behind it. He handed them some water and a few dates, then he simply left without providing any explanation. While she was going away, she used to hide her tracks from Sarah.Continue reading “Hajira and Hajj”

Exposing one’s Secrets

There are TV cameras that are affixed on your face and transmit your statements, pains, and hopes, what you long for and your happy moments, and even the smallest details about what happens between you and your husband in your bedroom. These television cameras transmit all this to listening ears using your own words. ToContinue reading “Exposing one’s Secrets”

He forbade His Soul from Desires

Ibn Hazm relates that a young, handsome man had a very close friend, and they trusted each other so much that all barriers of caution were removed from between them. The young man one day intended to spend the night at his friend’s house; in the middle of the night, the host had an importantContinue reading “He forbade His Soul from Desires”

A Symbolic Story

There is a story that, while being merely symbolic, is deeply affecting. The story is that awealthy person died, and his children said: “We wish for a man to keep our father company in his grave for just one night.” So, they dug two holes, and connected each with the other. In one of theContinue reading “A Symbolic Story”

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