Love and Respect: A Beautiful Lesson Learned

In the sacred teachings of Islam, love and respect are not only essential virtues but also acts of worship that strengthen the bonds of family and community. Allow me to share a heartfelt narrative that beautifully encapsulates the essence of these teachings, imparted to me by a revered teacher.

It was an evening like any other when my esteemed Shaikh (i.e. Islamic teacher) graciously invited me to his humble abode for tea. I was a bit hesitant at first because I was going to his house and he had recently gotten married. But I couldn’t say no because the train to my house was still an hour and a half away, so I accepted an invitation.

After the Asr prayer, I sat on his bike and he took me to his house. When we arrived, he rang the doorbell. As soon as the door opened, he casually greeted his wife with a warm “Assalamu alaykum” (Peace be upon you) and informed her of my presence as a guest. His wife opened the door and went into the room.

My Shaikh (May Allah grant him good health and a long life) welcomed me into the house with great kindness. He laid out a mat for me and brought water from the kitchen. He was kind and humble towards me. Also, his house was very simple, humble, blessed and beautiful. I was observing every moment that captivated me, and every moment spent there was a profound learning experience under his guidance.

I noticed that as soon as I sat in the hall, my teacher went into the room and greeted his wife with a loving “Assalam alaikum “ (Peace be upon you). He then went to freshen up in the bathroom while his wife went to the kitchen. Their home exuded a profound respect for privacy—a sanctuary where even her voice remained unheard. Subhanallah!

After a while, my Shaikh came out freshened up and greeted his wife with the same gentleness. It felt as though he wasn’t just saying “Assalam alaikum ” to his wife but whispering “I love you” to her.

Afterwards, he brought some snacks and tea from the kitchen. Let me mention that he had already served water during the hospitality. We sat down and had a conversation. After a while, Shaikh excused himself again, this time to return the dishes. Even then, the ritual of greeting his wife remained unchanged. It was a constant reminder of the love that permeated their home.

As we left the house and he dropped me off at the station, I couldn’t stop thinking about the lesson I had learned. The most significant lesson I learned wasn’t from any specific religious text, but from witnessing the power of expressing love in a simple, Islamic way. The power of a simple, yet sincere “Assalamu alaykum” delivered with genuine affection could express volumes.

I was grateful to have learned this important Islamic way of expressing love and decided that when I get married, I will implement this behaviour. And let me tell you, after implementing this, I can feel the love growing in my wife’s eyes as I express my affection in the same manner. Alhamdulillah!

Indeed, this is the way of love and respect taught by our scholars.


  1. Married couples should treat each other with respect and love.
  2. Simple gestures, like greetings filled with genuine affection, can strengthen marital bonds and foster love.
  3. Privacy and respect for one another’s space are vital components of a harmonious relationship.

In Conclusion:

This narrative beautifully illustrates the profound impact of expressing love and respect in accordance with Islamic teachings. By embracing simple gestures and fostering mutual respect, we can strengthen our familial and marital bonds, enriching our lives with love and harmony.

Your Turn:

Have you experienced similar moments of love and respect in your relationships? Share your reflections and experiences in the comments below!

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