A Divine Encounter in the Wilderness: A Tale of Guidance and Benevolence

Once upon a time, there was a man who was walking through the wilderness when he heard a voice from the clouds. The voice said, “Irrigate the garden of so-and-so.”

The man was surprised. He didn’t know anyone named so-and-so. But he followed the sound of the water and soon found a garden. There, he saw a man standing in the garden, busy changing the course of the water with a hatchet.

The first man asked the second man, “What is your name?”

The second man said, “My name is so-and-so.”

The first man said, “I heard a voice from the clouds saying, ‘Irrigate the garden of so-and-so.’ Is that you?”

The second man said, “Yes, it is.”

The first man said, “What do you do with the food that you grow in your garden?”

The second man said, “I give one-third of it to charity, I eat one-third of it with my family, and I invest one-third of it back into the garden.”

The first man was impressed. He said, “That is a wise way to use your blessings. May Allah continue to bless you.”

The second man said, “Thank you. I hope that you will also be blessed.”

The first man left, feeling inspired by the second man’s generosity and wisdom. He realized that it is important to give back to others and to invest in our own future.

The Moral of the Story

This story teaches us that we should be grateful for the blessings that we have and that we should use them to help others and to improve our own lives. We should also be wise stewards of our resources and invest them wisely.

The second man in the story was wise to invest one-third of his crops back into the garden. This ensured that the garden would continue to produce food for years to come. He was also wise to give one-third of his crops to charity. This helped to support those who were less fortunate than him.

We can all learn from the example of the second man. We should be grateful for the blessings that we have and use them to help others and to improve our own lives. We should also be wise stewards of our resources and invest them wisely.

Note: This blog is based on the Hadith of Sahih Muslim 2984. While retelling the story, no objections or alterations were made to the original text. It serves as a reflection on the moral lesson embedded in this beautiful narrative of divine guidance and benevolence.

For original hadith click on this link https://sunnah.com/muslim:2984a

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