He was seeking the Pleasure of Allah

Panoramic view of Mecca c. 1845, Nasser D. Khalili Collection.

In the annals of Islamic history, there are countless tales of brave individuals who stood up for justice and upheld the principles of their faith. One such remarkable figure is Sa’eed bin Ibrahim bin ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Auf, a pious and courageous scholar of his time. His unwavering commitment to righteousness is exemplified in an incident involving Walid bin ‘Abdul-Malik, the Caliph of the time, and a grand structure intended for the Ka’bah. Let’s delve into this gripping narrative and discover the inspiring story of Sa’eed’s fearless stand for what he believed in.

The Grand Structure and the People’s Concern: Walid bin ‘Abdul-Malik, desiring to make a grand entrance during his Hajj pilgrimage, ordered the construction of an elaborate structure to be carried around the Ka’bah. This decision raised concerns among the people, who recognized the potential deviation from the humble essence of Hajj. After much deliberation, they decided to approach Sa’eed bin Ibrahim, known for his piety and bravery, seeking his counsel on the matter.

The Daring Act: Informed of the people’s concerns, Sa’eed took decisive action. He commanded the structure to be burned down, demonstrating his unwavering dedication to preserving the sanctity and purity of the Hajj pilgrimage. However, his request was met with resistance, as 1000 horsemen from Sham (Syria) accompanied the structure, creating a formidable obstacle.

Sa’eed’s Courageous Stand: Undeterred by the opposition, Sa’eed resolved to take matters into his own hands. Donning the armour of his esteemed grandfather, ‘Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Auf, worn during the Battle of Badr, he mounted his mule and led the way towards the structure. On that fateful day, both the Quraish and the Ansar stood alongside him, united in their pursuit of justice.

Upon reaching the site, Sa’eed called for fire, ready to fulfill his duty of safeguarding the sanctity of the holy place. The flames engulfed the extravagant structure, conveying a powerful message that no display of opulence should overshadow the true spirit of Hajj and the teachings of Islam. This bold act of righteousness reverberated throughout the land, capturing the attention of Caliph Walid bin ‘Abdul-Malik.

Consequences and an Upheld Faith: News of Sa’eed’s courageous act reached Caliph Walid, who summoned him and ordered his replacement as the local judge. Fearlessly, Sa’eed complied, unshaken by the ruler’s anger. He made his way to Sham, where he patiently awaited an audience with the Caliph, but to no avail. Eventually, he ran out of money.

A Brave Act of Justice: While in the mosque, a drunken young man entered, oblivious to the sacredness of the place. Knowing the young man was the nephew of the Caliph, Sa’eed took decisive action. He asked for a whip and administered 80 lashes to the offender, regardless of the potential consequences.

The Ruler’s Surprise and Divine Pleasure: When informed of his nephew’s punishment, Caliph Walid was astonished. Sa’eed was brought before him, and the Caliph questioned his actions. Sa’eed fearlessly explained that, as the appointed judge, he saw a violation of Allah’s rights when a drunk man roamed the mosque while esteemed visitors were present. The Caliph recognized the righteousness of Sa’eed’s intentions, supplicated for him, and bestowed wealth upon him. Remarkably, the matter of the burned structure was never mentioned, as the Caliph had come to respect Sa’eed’s unwavering commitment to justice.

The inspiring account of Sa’eed bin Ibrahim serves as a shining example of courage and unwavering faith in the face of authority. His actions epitomize the essence of justice and the importance of upholding Islamic principles. Sa’eed’s fearlessness, even in the presence of the ruler, demonstrated his dedication to pleasing Allah above all else.

In a world where adhering to one’s principles may come at a cost, Sa’eed’s story serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, regardless of the consequences. As we navigate the complexities of our modern society, may we draw inspiration from the noble examples set by our pious predecessors and strive to follow their path. Let us embrace the courage and righteousness displayed by Sa’eed bin Ibrahim, leaving a lasting legacy of justice and integrity for generations to come.

This story is taken from a Book called ” Gems and Jewels” By Abdul Malik Mujahid

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