The Prophet (ﷺ‎) is the Master of Creation and the Leader of Messengers

He who wishes to realize the reality (haqiqah) of being pleased (Rida) with Allah’s actions, and to know from where this pleasure comes, should contemplate the affairs of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ‎).

When the Messenger’s knowledge (ma’rifa) of Allah became perfect, he realized that the Creator (al-Khaliq) is the Owner (al-Malik) and that the Owner has the right to do whatever He wishes with things He owns. He also realized that Allah is All-Wise (al-Hakim) and does nothing in vain, so the Messenger surrendered to Him. This was how wonders occurred to him for he never changed, and never expressed disgruntlement. He never said, “Had it not been like this!”.

Instead, he stood in the face of destiny as a mountain stands in the face of the wind. The Master (sayyid) of all Messengers (ﷺ‎) was sent alone, while disbelief {kufr) had spread all over. He (ﷺ‎) ran from one place to another, hiding in the house of Al-Khayzaran, and got hurt causing his ankles to bleed. They threw the intestines of a camel on his back, yet he (ﷺ‎) remained quiet and calm. Every season, he used to call: “Who would support me? Who would protect me?” Then he left Makkah and was not able to return to it except under the protection of a non-Muslim.

Had it been another person, he would have said: “O Lord! You are the Owner of all creatures, and Most Able to bring victory, so why am I being oppressed?”

On the day of Hudaybiyah, ‘Umar (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) said, “Are not we on the right path? Then why should we accept this humiliation regards to our religion.” The Messenger (ﷺ‎) responded, “I am Allah’s servant, and He will never let me down.”

So his (ﷺ‎) saying, “I am Allah’s servant” is a confession that Allah is the Owner, and that He has the right to do whatever He wants with him. And his (ﷺ‎) saying, “He will never let me down” is a confession that Allah is Wise, and He does nothing in vain.

The Messenger was tested with hunger to the point of wrapping stones on his belly, while Allah owns the treasures of the heavens and earth.

His Companions were killed, his face was cut, his teeth were broken, and his uncle was killed and maimed— all while he was quiet.

He was given a son, who later died. So he (ﷺ‎) took condolence with having Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (as his grandchildren) while later being told what will happen with the two of them.

He became attached to ‘A’ishah (radiyAllahu ‘anha) but later he was disheartened when receiving the news about those accusing her of committing adultery.

He used to perform miracles, but so did (his enemies such as) Musaylamah, Al-’Ansi and Ibn Sayyad.

He attempted to establish the criterion of trustworthiness (Amana) and truthfulness (sidq), but was called, ‘Deceiver and soothsayer!’

Whenever he used to become ill, he would feel the pain that two men would feel. But he continued to be calm and only spoke to teach patience (sabr) to others.

He died, and his soul was taken while wearing a course garment, and not having enough oil to light a lamp.

No previous Prophet withstood such a level of hardship, and had Angels been afflicted with it, they would not have been able to withstand it.

Adam (‘alayhi as – salam) was allowed to eat from Jannah, except for one tree. He ate from it. Yet our Prophet used to say about permissible things: “What do I have to do with the world?

And Nuh {‘alayhi as-salam) became angry from what he had seen and yelled from despair:

On the other hand, our Prophet (ﷺ‎) used to say, “O Lord! Guide my people for they know not.”

Musa (‘alayhi as-salam) said after his people worshiped the calf:

‘Isa (alayhi as-salam) said: “If You were to repel death away from anyone, let that one be me.”

Our Prophet (ﷺ‎) was given the choice to live or to pass, and he chose to be with the Heavenly Companion.

Sulayman (alayhi as-salam) said:

While our Prophet (ﷺ‎) said: “Lord! Make the sustenance of the family of Muhammad just enough to survive.”

By Allah! These are the actions of a person who understood existence and Him who brought it about.

All of his desires died away and all of his objections faded away, so his desires became consistent with what was actually occurring to him.

This story is taken from a book called ” Captured Thoughts”.

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