Rust is Removed

I was born into a family that did not distinguish between lawful and unlawful means of living. The wine was placed on our table with other drinks; we had no qualms about business transactions involving interest, and we never bothered going to the mosque. There was a grand mosque in our neighborhood where Shaykh Ibrahim was the speaker. People liked his personality and speeches very much, but our family was not remotely interested in him. One day I was standing on the terrace of my house when I
heard the voice of Shaykh Ibrahim. I was immediately attracted to his voice. After a short while, I found myself spontaneously going to the mosque. Shaykh’s speeches touched my mind and heart. I felt as if the rust that had accumulated inside me over the years was being scraped away and I was a totally changed person. Shaykh Ibrahim one day quoted the following saying of Allah’s Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him):

I was shocked to hear this. We were unknowingly drifting towards destruction and Hell. I wanted to leave home and go somewhere else. I knew it might not be easy or comfortable, and I might face difficulties, but at least I would be spared Hellfire. This was no small decision. In the end, however, I could not muster up the courage to do so. I then decided to give up eating at home. So while other members of my family ate the choicest food, as usual, I ate yogurt, cheese, and bread that I bought as cheaply as possible. I did not want to use the money of my parents.

My mother was very sad about this. Without me, at the table, she could only eat a few morsels. She dearly wanted me to eat with the family again. She tried to bring me around by showing great love and affection, but I replied very respectfully and in a loving tone: “Dear mother, you know very well that my father’s earnings are not lawful; that the money is tainted with interest. Wine is used as a normal drink at our table. Such a way of life will take us to Hell.”

Gradually I won over my mother and she started praying regularly. Then my sister also joined us. But my father still nursed his pride, stubbornness, and ego. He was not prepared to change his ways at all. However, we were not rude towards him; we treated him very respectfully. We tried to persuade him and also prayed for him in the last portion of the night, the time when prayers are granted. Even today, the invocations and supplications of my mother and sister for my father still resound in my ears.

One fine morning, our father came to us weeping bitterly. He embraced me and said: “I promise that I’ll give up everything that might earn the wrath of Almighty Allah.”When it was time for prayer, both of us, father and son, went to the mosque. Then we started going to the mosque regularly. We listened very attentively to Shaykh Ibrahim, whose speeches had guided us onto the right path. Alhamdulillah, wine, interest, and other abominable things have been completely eliminated from our home. Now our family obeys Allah and His Prophet in every matter.

Note: This story is taken from a Book called Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers By Abdul Malik Mujahid.

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