Cure for the Evil Eye

I once went to a government office for some matter and a person there stared at me in such a way that a shuddered with terror. I immediately completed my business and left. When I got home, I felt totally physically and mentally exhausted. I went for a medical check-up but the doctor told me I was not suffering from any ailment and that there was nothing to worry about. Everything was quite normal, but I still felt completely fatigued. I thought that this was something beyond the scope of doctors.

When I mentioned this to my sister-in-law, a very pious lady who practiced Qur’anic Ruqyah (healing with recitations from the Qur’an), she told me that I had come under the influence of the evil eye.When she started reciting the Qur’an over me, I started feeling better. After she had completed the Ruqyah, I felt as if nothing had happened. I was as healthy as I was before.

This story draws attention to the incident of Sahl bin Hunaif that was reported in a hadith of the Prophet.
Umamah bin Sahl bin Hunaif said: “My father was an attractive person with a beautiful body. Once he was taking a bath when Amir bin Rabi’ah passed by. He looked at my father’s body intently and said: ‘I’ve never seen such a fine-looking and beautiful body.’”

The moment he uttered these words, Sahl bin Hunaif fainted. When the Prophet was informed, he said that his companion had come under the influence of an evil eye and asked who had seen him while he was taking a bath.

When people said that Amir bin Rabi’ah was the person, the Prophet called Amir and said: “Why would anyone of you kill his brother? If anyone of you sees a quality in your brother, you should invoke blessings for him.”

Then he told Amir bin Rabi’ah to perform ablution, wash his face, his arms up to the elbows, his knees and his private parts, and gather all this water in a pot to sprinkle over Sahl bin Hunaif. When this was done, Sahl bin Hunaif recovered.

Note: This story is taken from a Book called Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers By Abdul Malik Mujahid.

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