‘O Death, You’re Welcome’

This is the story of a pious and virtuous girl who grew up in an exemplary environment. She was the paragon of virtue and piety. She considered herself answerable to Allah (Subhanahu wa Taʿālā) for each and every act or word that she uttered. Then Allah (Subhanahu wa Taʿālā) blessed her with a pious and righteous husband. She was happy and moved to a small town where her husband worked.

Life went on peacefully and she soon fell pregnant. When it was time for the baby to be delivered, a doctor said that she needed to have a Caesarean [A caesarean section is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through a cut in the mother’s abdomen (tummy) and uterus (womb).]. Her husband then took her to the only hospital in town. The hospital administration informed them that the female doctor who would perform the medical operation would only be available in four days, and that if they wanted to have a Caesarean, they would have to employ the male doctor. The condition of the woman was deteriorating rapidly. They could not wait for four days to pass, as this delay could be life-threatening. Her husband was prepared for the operation, but when the woman came to know of it, she cried:

Her husband said to her very gently: “Try to understand. My self-respect cannot brook it either that a male stranger looks upon you, but your life is at stake. You know many makruh (offensive/undesirable) things become permissible in such a situation.” She smiled and said: “None of us will live forever in this world. If my death is preordained this way, I welcome it and am happily prepared to embrace it. Have you not heard the saying of the Prophet that

“If a woman dies in the state of nifas (post-natal bleeding), she dies a martyr?”
And the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) also said:

At her insistence, her husband took her home from the hospital. At home, her health started improving and she delivered the child normally without needing an operation. Both the husband and wife thanked Allah (Subhanahu wa Taʿālā). Later the wife would recall the incident and say to her husband:

Note: This story is taken from a Book called Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers By Abdul Malik Mujahid.

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